Shyam Wuppuluri FRSA
Maitri for all
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2021


Statues and Gods

When I was young, I always used to ask my father – Why are Gods sculpted in stones? Why can’t they speak to us or appear in front of us directly? The answer became evident much later. Imagine Jesus, Krishna or Rama visiting our home to stay with us. We can attend to them with utmost devotion for a week or for a month or for an year. Then we slowly start to take their presence for granted. We might get irritated with their dispositions. We might tell them what to do, what not to do and involve them in our daily drama. We might also gossip about the amount of food they eat and how much toil it is to cook for one extra person. If we treat our fellow beings this way, we would treat god the same way too, when we meet him. Won’t we? Gods have done us a biggest favour by hiding themselves in stones. Because if they come around us, we might stone them or crucify them. As long as we don’t see God in our fellow beings, how much ever tough they are to deal with, we can’t see God in the temples and places of worship. There’s no God above existence. There’s no existence above God.




Shyam Wuppuluri FRSA
Maitri for all

Independent researcher - Interdisciplinary approaches @ Foundations of science. Albert Einstein Fellow 2020. Member of Brazilian academy of philosophy.